The manipulation of clocks and the management of reality in the time of the future.

Dr. Antoun Toubia
5 min readMar 11, 2023

How the Evolution of Human Mind and the Integration of Cutting-Edge Technology Will Revolutionize Timekeeping and Temporal Navigation

Imagine you had a clock that not only tells the time but also allows you to go back in time and change it. A timepiece with the ability to speed up or slow down the passage of time, to construct time loops, and even to delete events from the annals of history. A timepiece that is capable of synchronizing with the user's brainwaves and adapting to the user based on their requirements, preferences, and feelings. A timepiece that is capable of bridging the gap between the ordinary and the magical, the linear and the nonlinear, and the physical and the metaphysical. A clock that, when wound, can reveal the mysteries of the cosmos and give you the power to direct the course of your own life.

Although it might sound like something out of science fiction or fantasy, it's not that hard to imagine a gadget like this being in the not too distant future. We are on the cusp of a new era in terms of timekeeping and temporal navigation, and this is largely due to the rapid growth of technology as well as the developing understanding of consciousness. In this piece, we will investigate the idea of time-bending clocks and discuss the potential ways in which such devices could alter our conception of and ability to manipulate time and space.

To begin, let's talk about what it means when we talk about time bending. The power to change the progression, duration, or direction of time is what we mean when we talk about "bending time." Bending time can take many different shapes, including but not limited to the following examples:

Time dilation refers to either the slowing down or speeding up of time in relation to an observer or a reference frame.
The process of reversing the flow of time such that events appear to take place in reverse is known as "time reversal."

Time loops are the process of constructing a closed timeline or a chain of events that keeps repeating itself.
Erasing events from the past or the future, either completely or partially, is an example of time erasure.
Time travel is the act of going back in time or travelling forward in time, either mentally or literally.
These many methods of altering the passage of time are not mutually exclusive and can be combined to produce more complicated temporal phenomena. For instance, time travel can involve time erasure as well as time reversal and time loops might involve time dilation and time reversal.

Now, let's think about how time-bending clocks might actually function. In order to synchronize clocks that exist in various temporal frames, one option that might be taken is to make advantage of quantum entanglement. The phenomenon known as quantum entanglement describes the way in which two or more particles can become associated with one another in such a way that the attributes of both particles remain linked regardless of the distance that separates them. We could build a network of clocks that all share the same temporal reference by utilizing entangled clocks. This would be possible even if the clocks were separated by vast distances or existed in different realities.

The usage of brain-computer interfaces, often known as BCIs, is another method that can be utilized to connect clocks to our neurological activity. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are able to read, interpret, and then translate human brainwaves into commands that can operate external machines. We could provide people the ability to modify the time perception of the clock based on their mental state or intention if we linked clocks to BCIs and made this possible. For instance, if a person wants to slow down time in order to concentrate on a task, they could visualize a peaceful scene or a meditative state, and the clock would respond by slowing down its ticking or displaying a longer duration. This would allow the person to focus more intently on the task at hand.

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to anticipate and adapt to the temporal preferences of users is a third technique that might be taken. The user's behavior, habits, and feedback can be analyzed by AI algorithms, which can then be used to alter the characteristics of the clock accordingly. For example, if a user has a habit of putting things off until the last minute and needs a reminder to begin a task, the clock may show a countdown timer or a motivating message on its face. If a user wants to relive a pleasant memory, the clock can either display a holographic representation of the event or establish a time loop that replays the event.

These methods, of course, give rise to a plethora of moral, social, and philosophical concerns, such as the following:

Who has control of the clocks and the network that governs time? Who makes the call as to which historical periods are real, which are imagined, which are desired, and which are not desirable?
What are the repercussions of making changes to both time and space?



Dr. Antoun Toubia

Chairman, The Swedish Trust K.B. Antoun is a Doctor in business administration and financial management, with years of experience in blockchain technology.